Transitions HospiceCare’s team approach provides care and comfort, not just for patients, but for families. The goal of our team is to provide the greatest comfort and quality of life possible, rather than a cure, wherever you call home. Consider Transitions HospiceCare when you become aware that you’re no longer seeking curative treatment and you seek to be comfortable and experience quality of life. The earlier we begin discussing your needs and wishes for the time that remains, the more we can do to help you and your family.
Patients who elect hospice care have chosen a comfort-directed plan of care focused on quality of life and symptom management, rather than on curative treatment. Having a conversation with your doctor is the best place to start so we can begin the conversation.
Hospice Home
At Transitions HospiceCare we strive to help patients and families remain in their homes. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons it is not always possible for patients to continue their hospice care at home. The William M. Dunlap Center for Caring (Hospice Home) offers three levels of care: general inpatient, respite, and short-term routine.
General Hospice Information
Having a conversation with your doctor is the best place to start. While on our services, you don’t have to give up your own doctor; in fact, we will work in collaboration with your doctor. If you don’t have a primary care doctor, we can provide one for you. Call us at 919.828.0890 for more information.
Transitions HospiceCare’s team comprises a variety of experienced professionals, including those certified in hospice and palliative care, who are employed by our organization. Your team could include a doctor, nurse, spiritual care counselor, social worker, nurse aide, and trained volunteers who provide additional support.
Your care team will review your prescriptions for effectiveness and if they contribute to your quality of life, you may continue with those medications. Medications related to your terminal illness are covered under the hospice benefit.
Transitions LifeCare is a nonprofit organization that accepts patients regardless of their ability to pay. Hospice care including medications related to the terminal illness and DME (durable medical equipment) needs is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most major insurance companies and managed care providers.
Transitions HospiceCare FAQ
Patients living in a nursing facility or long-term care facility can receive specialized visits from hospice nurses, home health aides, spiritual care counselors, social workers, and volunteers. Hospice is a supplement to the care already being provided by the nursing or long-term care facility through a coordinated plan of care. Click here to see our service area.
In some cases, the hospice benefit will cover limited therapy sessions and you can discuss this with your care team. Typically, the number of therapy sessions will be limited and will be approved only if they contribute to your quality of life and safety in the home.
There is no limit to the number of days a person can receive hospice services as long as they continue clinically to need the kind of care it provides.
We will discharge patients who no longer qualify for the hospice benefit. If your illness progresses, you may return to Transitions HospiceCare anytime, with a physician’s order.