Moral and Ethical Dilemmas at End of Life – via Zoom

End-of-life care focuses on preventing and relieve suffering as much as possible while respecting the patients’ personal desires. Medical technology intended to extend life may also increase suffering and prolong...

Leave a Legacy, Not a Mess – via Zoom

Inspired by the book, “A Beginner’s Guide to the End” by Dr. BJ Miller and Shoshana Berger, this presentation will offer practical tips for how to leave behind a legacy...

Leave a Legacy, Not a Mess – via Zoom

Inspired by the book, “A Beginner’s Guide to the End” by Dr. BJ Miller and Shoshana Berger, this presentation will offer practical tips for how to leave behind a legacy...

Event Series Grief Ed Course (Virtual)

Grief Ed Course (Virtual)

Grief has many faces, and everyone will experience it at some point in life. Despite that, most people are misinformed about grief and may feel they are all alone. But the truth is, they are not alone! Transitions Kids offers the education and support they need. The Transitions Kids Grief Ed Course is a set...
