Spouse Loss Panel Discussion (virtual)


A diverse group of panelists will answer participant questions and speak to their experience of grief and loss following the death of a spouse/partner. Questions will cover topics such as...

The Value of Anger Expressive Arts Workshop (virtual)


This expressive arts workshop provides an opportunity for participants to explore how anger might be covering our more difficult-to-engage emotions as well as uncover the insights anger may have to...

KidsZone – Oct.

Transitions LifeCare 250 Hospice Circle, Raleigh, NC, United States

KidsZone is a monthly in-person group therapy for children aged 5–12. Each month offers a new theme and variety of activities designed for grief care for the younger age groups. October’s theme – Sandbox...

She Shed: A Safe Space for Grieving Mothers


The death of a child can be one of the most devastating traumas a parent can experience. Transitions Kids is here to provide care, support, and compassion along with a circle of other parents who understand the intense grief that erupts when a child (of any age) dies. Each grief support session will explore issues...