Comprendiendo el Duelo – Cancelado

Transitions LifeCare 250 Hospice Circle, Raleigh, NC, United States

Cancelado - Comprendiendo el duelo es una sesión informativa la cual provee una introducción a las diferentes dimensiones de la experiencia de duelo. Ademas de conceptos básicos, se exploran estrategias...

Event Series Teen Group – CANCELLED

Teen Group – CANCELLED

Transitions LifeCare 250 Hospice Circle, Raleigh, NC, United States

CANCELLED - A program exclusively for teens (grades 6-12) that allows them to connect, learn from, and support each other. Each session is different and may include the use of writing, arts, and discussion about the impact of grief. Session Topics March 17: Understanding Grief March 31: Telling My Story of Grief April 14: Healthy...
