Advance Care Planning – 5 Wishes & Go Wish Game (CNE)

Zoom meeting. Login information will be sent via email after you register. 12:00-1:00pm and 2:00-3:00pm Advance directives are documents that indicate our care preferences if we were to become seriously ill. Come to this session to talk about why Living Wills are important. We'll learn about the Go Wish card game and other tools you...


Social Isolation and Loneliness

The impact of social isolation and loneliness can be devastating to the health of anyone but especially to those who are aging. In this presentation we will discuss strategies to...

LGBTQ Care at End of Life (CNE)

As we celebrate Pride Month, we will take this time to focus on how to support members of the LGBTQ+ community as they navigate the paths of serious illness and/or...

Caring for Children at End of Life (CNE)

To effectively care for pediatric patients and families, it is essential that a care team has an understanding of what to expect in the care of the child, as well...